
App development (Android and iOS)

App development (Android and iOS)

Would you like to have a professional app developed for your company? Are you considering whether it should be a native app, a web app or a hybrid app?

We create your mobile app

Before starting the app programming, some basic decisions have to be made: Do you need an app for iOs and / or for Android? Should it be a native or a web app? We would be happy to create an app according to your ideas. If you have not yet made a clear decision on a specific app solution, we will be happy to advise you.

We create your mobile app
App technologies

App technologies

Our team of experts is technologically up to date and uses the various app technologies, such as:

  • Fluttr
  • Firebase
  • React Native

Get in touch to get specification


What are we going to do? The process in individual steps

1. Preparation

Do you already have a specific app concept? Or just an idea of ​​what the app should be able to do? This is where we start and discuss with you what the structure should look like and which technologies we use.

2. Creation and design

The first step is functionality and design with prototypes and mock-ups.

3. App development

During the implementation of the app, you will be kept informed about the current status and your feedback will be taken into account in further development.

4. Testing and go live

As soon as the developers have finally programmed and tested the app, things will get exciting. If you give us the go, we can put your new app live in the app stores or be available in the browser. Congratulations!

5. Maintenance and further development

After going live is before going live, because the app should be further updated and optimized.


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